GUI Application in Docker Container

Task 2

1 min readJun 1, 2021


  • You have to already install Docker in OS.
  • you can visit my previous story where I'm installing docker in centos.

Link 👉🏻 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub

Pull one image into centos

docker pull centos

Start docker container.

docker run — net=host -it — name c1 centos

Install one GUI application, I am installing firefox.

yum install firefox -y

Now launch one more container with env $DISPLAY, and install firefox.

docker run -it — net=host — env=”DISPLAY” centos

Now we can check by firefox installed or not using by given commands.


We can also install some more applications

Install jupyter Notebook

pip3 install jupyter

Run jypyter Notebook

jupyter notebook

Hope you find this article Helpful !!

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Thanks for Reading :)

